Making your Philodendron Florida Ghost Thrive - PlantyTown

Philodendron Florida Ghost

Philodendron Florida Ghost, also known as Philodendron pedatum, is a rare and exotic plant known for its unique foliage. In this care guide, we will discuss how to care for this plant to ensure its health and longevity.

Scientific Name:
    Philodendron Pedatum x Philodendron Squamiferum

Common Name(s):
   Philodendron Florida Ghost, Philodendron Florida Ghost Mint, Philodendron Florida Beauty Revereted

Native Environment:
    Humid Forests of Hybrid

   Not Variegated


Making your Philodendron Florida Ghost Thrive

Philodendron Florida Ghost, also known as Philodendron pedatum, is a rare and exotic plant known for its unique foliage. In this care guide, we will discuss how to care for this plant to ensure its health and longevity.

Light Requirements

Philodendron Florida Ghost prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn its leaves, while too little light can cause the plant to become leggy and sparse. Avoid placing the plant in a location with harsh or direct sunlight, and instead place it near a window that receives bright, filtered light.


When it comes to watering Philodendron Florida Ghost, it's important to strike a balance. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues, while underwatering can cause the plant's leaves to wilt and yellow. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering, and make sure the pot has good drainage to prevent water from accumulating in the bottom.


Philodendron Florida Ghost thrives in high humidity environments. You can increase humidity by placing the plant in a humid room, using a humidifier, or placing a tray of water near the plant. Misting the leaves lightly can also help to increase humidity.


This plant prefers warm temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing the plant in areas with cold drafts or placing it near heating or cooling vents.


Philodendron Florida Ghost prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. It's important to use a potting mix that is suited for indoor tropical plants.


During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize Philodendron Florida Ghost once a month using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. During the fall and winter, you can reduce the frequency of fertilizing to once every two months.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your Philodendron Florida Ghost plant remains healthy and thriving. Enjoy the beauty and unique foliage of this exotic plant!

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