Our Story
Hi, I'm Nalin Singapuri, founder of PlantyTown.

my first albo node
I get the chance to tell a lot of stories around here, but PlantyTown's story is a simple one. I love plants. Like love love love them. Little ones. Big ones. Common Ones. And especially rare ones. I love them all.
10 minutes later, the shop was sold out of dreams and it was exactly then that I decided I was in the wrong business. I was gonna be a plant baron.
I bought my first rare plant, a monstera albo, as a birthday present to myself. I couldn't justify spending a few hundred bucks on a rooted one with 4 leaves. So I got a wet stick. IT WAS $100. For a cutting the size of my finger. No roots, no leaves, basically just a 3" long dream of having a real albo in a few years, maybe.
10 minutes later, the shop was sold out of dreams and it was exactly then that I decided I was in the wrong business. I was gonna be a plant baron.

some of the classier plant spaces around my house are greenhouse cabinets that started as ikea furniture.
Fast forward a few years and my albo is a great-great grandmother, which is awesome.
But my home is filled with IKEA furniture and plant lights and I have two greenhouses out back and like a million plants.
I have a tissue culture habit, more prop boxes than I can count, a leca dealer, and Jeff Bezos sends me targeted ads around the regularity of my purchases of worm poop. Also I sometimes have recurring nightmares about thrips.
I've imported specimens and found great nurseries around the world. I have plant guys in Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil, and they get me the most incredible stuff.
But I have a tissue culture habit, more prop boxes than I can count, a leca dealer, and Jeff Bezos sends me targeted ads around the regularity of my purchases of worm poop. Also I sometimes have recurring nightmares about thrips.
I'm sure you can relate.

Archival footage of me spending entirely too much money at the local greenhouse.
I founded Planty Town because I love plants a little too much. But also because I wanted to make rare plants more accessible and make plant shopping more fun.
I founded Planty Town because I love plants a little too much. But also because I wanted to make rare plants more accessible and make plant shopping more fun.
I wanted to sell plants with personality. Named things like Colonel Russell Leaves. Plants that lead an interesting life and have a job and don't live with their mom, and use recent photos and tell funny stories and pay for the dinner they invited you to instead of forgetting their wallet.
The kind of plants that surprise you with how awesome they are. The kind that you can take home to meet your folks.
I hope you enjoy raising them as much as I've enjoyed growing them :)
TL;DR: I'm Nalin, and I'm a plantaholic.