Anthurium Dorayaki Silver Care Tips - PlantyTown

Anthurium Dorayaki Silver

The Anthurium Dorayaki Silver is a beautiful and unique plant that requires a little extra care to thrive. Follow these tips to keep your plant healthy and happy:

Scientific Name:
    Anthurium Crystallinum 'Dorayaki Silver'

Common Name(s):
   Anthurium Dorayaki Silver, Tailflower, Flamingo Flower, Laceleaf

Native Environment:
    Rainforests of Hybrid

   Not Variegated


Anthurium Dorayaki Silver Care Tips

The Anthurium Dorayaki Silver is a beautiful and unique plant that requires a little extra care to thrive. Follow these tips to keep your plant healthy and happy:


Anthurium Dorayaki Silver plants need bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can burn the leaves, so a bright window with a sheer curtain is ideal.


Water your Dorayaki Silver thoroughly, about once a week. The plant prefers moist soil, but be careful not to overwater. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.

anthurium grow cabinet
Anthuriums demand more humidity than most plants. We use dedicated grow cabinets in order to provide ideal conditions


Anthurium Dorayaki Silver plants prefer high humidity. To increase humidity, mist the leaves with water regularly or place a humidifier near the plant.


The Anthurium Dorayaki Silver prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Use a mix of peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark for best results.


Feed your Dorayaki Silver once a month with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Follow the instructions on the package carefully, as over-fertilization can damage the plant.


Prune your Anthurium Dorayaki Silver as needed to remove dead or damaged leaves. Do not cut the stem or flowers, as this can harm the plant.


You can propagate your Dorayaki Silver by division or by stem cuttings. To divide the plant, carefully remove it from its pot and separate the roots. To propagate by stem cuttings, choose a healthy stem with at least two leaves and cut it just below a node. Place the cutting in water until roots form, then transplant it into soil.

With proper care, your Anthurium Dorayaki Silver can flourish and add a unique touch of beauty to any space.

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