Monstera Obliqua Peru

Published: Sep 12, 2023 • Updated: Sep 19, 2023

A comprehensive guide to Monstera Obliqua Peru including care instructions, where to purchase, and handpicked resources for further learning.

By: Nalin Singapuri
Monstera Obliqua Peru in 6" pot

Table of Contents

Monstera Obliqua Peru

Shop: Monstera Obliqua Peru

And similar species

Monstera Obliqua Peru in 6" pot

Monstera Obliqua Peru Characteristics

Scientific Name:
   Monstera Obliqua Peruviana

Common Name(s):
   Monstera Obliqua Peru, Monstera Obliqua, Monstera Peru, Mexican Breadfruit, Swiss Cheese Vine, Window-Leaf

Native Environment:
    Rainforests of Central America, South Africa

   Not Variegated



Monstera Obliqua Peru Care

Monstera Obliqua Peru, also known as the "Monstera Obliqua Monkey Leaf" is a rare and stunning variety of the Monstera family. Characterized by its delicate appearance and intricate fenestrations, this plant has gone from virtually unavailable to a sought-after addition to indoor gardens for collectors. However, caring for Monstera Obliqua Peru can be a bit more challenging compared to its close relatives. In this article, we'll unveil the secrets to successful Monstera Obliqua Peru care, ensuring your plant thrives and flourishes.

Monstera Obliqua Peru in pot. Photo Credit: NParks Flora & Fauna Web
Monstera Obliqua Peru in pot. Photo Credit: NParks Flora & Fauna Web


Monstera Obliqua Peru plants prefer partial shade. Avoid placing her in direct sunlight or bright lights, as this can cause her leaves to burn or yellow and drop over time.


Use a finger to probe the top inch of soil and water your Monstera Obliqua when she feels dry to the touch. Soak throughly, let water run through drainage holes in the pot. Do not overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Ensure proper drainage and prevent water from pooling in the pot. Make sure to use a planter with drainage holes, which can be nested inside of a decorative planter if desired.

a good soil mix for Monstera Peru
monstera mix is great for the Mexican Breadfruits roots


Swiss Cheese Vines love a rich, well draining soil with chunky bits to help oxygenate the roots. A mixture of 1/3 orchid bark, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 compost works well. Our Monstera Monday Potting Mix features large pieces of bark and perlite specifically for Monsteras and augments these ratios with additional ingredients like charcoal and worm castings to help supply added nutrients.

Plants with thicker roots like Window-Leafs grow well in a substrate like LECA. Care must be taken to ensure that she gets proper nutrients. Finally, damp sphagnum moss is a great fit for rooting new cuttings or sick Monstera Obliqua Perus. Leave in moss only until secondary roots develop and them move to a different substrate.


Fertilize your Monstera Obliqua plant once a month during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.


Monstera Perus prefer high humidity (around 80% in their native habitat). To increase humidity, you can place a humidifier nearby, group the plant with other plants or utilize an greenhouse cabinet or other high humidity space. She will tolerate average household humidity levels, lower the humidity slowly over time to help her acclimate.


Repot your Mexican Breadfruit plant every 1-2 years, or when it becomes root-bound. Transfer to a pot with drainage holes thats an inch or two larger.

Obliqua Peru runners can be harvested into one or two node cuttings and rooted in sphagnum moss
Obliqua Peru runners can be harvested into one or two node cuttings and rooted in sphagnum moss


Swiss Cheese Vines propagate via node cuttings. Select an area with a few nodes and remove it from the mother with clean scissors. Trim excess leaves and root in water or sphagnum moss. Our guide to monstera propagation details the process


Trim any yellow or brown leaves off your Window-Leaf as they appear. You can prune the plant to control its size and shape.


Monstera Obliqua Peru can be grown outdoors in USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11.

By following these care tips, your Monstera Obliqua plant should thrive and continue to add beauty to your space.

More Plant Care Guides

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Resources and Further Reading

Nalin Singapuri

Self appointed Mayor of Plantytown, the ultimate "Plant Whisperer" and the proud overlord of a jungle disguised as a nursery. With a green thumb so legendary, even the plants line up for selfies with him. 🌿📸

When he's not talking chlorophyll with his leafy friends, or writing engrossing articles about Monstera Obliqua Perus you'll find him nurturing his nursery like it's his own personal garden of Eden.

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